Fall 2024
Final Standings (After Playoffs)
1st place - NYC iSchool
2nd place - Emma Lazarus
3rd place - Law & Tech
3rd place - BAGF
Regular Season Standings
School W L D Pts GD
NYC iSchool 6 0 1 19 +15
Emma Lazarus 6 1 0 18 +16
Law & Tech Green 4 2 1 13 +5
BK Academy of Global Finance 3 2 2 11 +3
La Scuola d'Italia 3 4 0 9 -2
Emma Lazarus II 3 4 0 9 -3
Orchard Collegiate Academy 1 6 0 0 -16
Law & Tech White 0 7 0 0 -20
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
4. Penalty kicks
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
Spring 2024
Final Standings (After Playoffs)
1st place - Brooklyn Latin
2nd place - Emma Lazarus
3rd place - NYC iSchool
3rd place - Law & Tech
Regular Season Standings
School W L D Pts GD
Emma Lazarus 5 0 1 16 +14
NYC iSchool 4 1 1 13 +8
Brooklyn Latin 4 2 0 12 +8
Law & Tech 3 3 0 9 +1
Lyons Community 2 4 0 6 -7
Pace 2 4 0 6 -7
Orchard Collegiate 0 6 0 0 -18
Emma II 0 0 0 0 0
Indoor Cup - Final Standings
1.) Brooklyn Latin
2.) Emma Lazarus
3.) NYC iSchool
5.) Lyons
6.) Law & Tech
7.) Pace
8.) Orchard
2. Head-to-head result (indoor tournament)
3. Goal differential
4. Goals allowed
5. Penalty kicks
***In the event of a three-way tie, the following tiebreakers will be used:
1. Head-to-head results (league games)
2. Head-to-head results (indoor tournament)
3. Goal differential
4. Goals allowed
Fall 2023
Final Standings (After Playoffs)
1st place - Brooklyn Latin
2nd place - NYC iSchool
3rd place - Emma Lazarus
3rd place - WHSAT
Regular Season Standings
School W L D Pts GD
NYC iSchool 6 1 0 18 +12
Brooklyn Latin 6 1 0 18 +15
Emma Lazarus 5 2 0 15 +9
WHSAT 4 3 0 12 +6
Law & Tech 3 3 1 10 0
Pace 2 4 1 7 -1
Orchard Collegiate 1 6 0 3 -16
Lyons Community 0 7 0 0 -19
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
4. Penalty kicks
***In the event of a three-way tie, the following tiebreakers will be used:
1. Head-to-head results
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
Spring 2023
Final Standings (After Playoffs)
1st place - Brooklyn Latin
2nd place - Emma Lazarus
3rd place - NYC iSchool
3rd place - Law & Tech
Regular Season Standings
School W L D Pts GD
Brooklyn Latin 6 0 1 19 +14
NYC iSchool 6 0 1 19 +11
Emma Lazarus 5 2 0 15 +13
Law & Tech 4 3 0 12 +5
WHSAT 2 5 0 6 -3
Lyons Community 2 5 0 6 -9
Pace 2 5 0 6 -10
Orchard Collegiate 0 7 0 0 -21
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
4. Penalty kicks
***In the event of a three-way tie, the following tiebreakers will be used:
1. Head-to-head results
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
Fall 2022
Final Standings (After Playoffs)
1st place - Brooklyn Latin
2nd place - Emma Lazarus
3rd place - Law & Tech
3rd place - WHSAT
Regular Season Standings
School W L D Pts GD
Brooklyn Latin 6 1 0 18 +15
Emma Lazarus 5 1 1 16 +10
Law & Tech 4 2 1 13 +3
WHSAT 4 3 0 12 +4
NYC iSchool 4 3 0 12 +5
Lyons Community 3 4 0 9 -2
Pace 1 6 0 3 -13
Orchard Collegiate 0 7 0 0 -21
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
4. Penalty kicks
***In the event of a three-way tie, the following tiebreakers will be used:
1. Head-to-head results
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
Spring 2022
Final Standings (After Playoffs)
1st place - NYC iSchool
2nd place - Emma Lazarus
3rd place - Brooklyn Latin
3rd place - Law & Tech
Regular Season Standings
School Win Loss Draw Points GD*
Brooklyn Latin 6 1 0 18 +16
Law & Tech 5 2 0 15 +7
NYC iSchool 5 2 0 15 +7
Emma Lazarus 4 2 1 13 +8
Lyons Community 3 3 1 10 -1
Pace 2 5 0 6 -9
WHSAT 2 5 0 6 -7
Orchard Collegiate 0 7 0 0 -21
Fall 2021
Final Standings (After Playoffs)
1st place - NYC iSchool
2nd place - WHSAT
3rd place - Brooklyn Latin
Regular Season Standings
School Win Loss Draw Points GD*
NYC iSchool 7 0 0 21 +17
WHSAT 5 2 0 15 +9
Brooklyn Latin 4 2 1 13 +6
Pace 4 3 0 12 +3
Emma Lazarus 2 3 2 8 +1
Lyons Community 2 4 1 6 -6
Law & Tech 2 5 0 6 -9
Orchard Collegiate 0 7 0 0 -21
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
4. Penalty kicks
***In the event of a three-way tie, the following tiebreakers will be used:
1. Head-to-head results
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
SPRING 2020/Fall 2020/Spring 2021
Fall 2019
Final Standings (After Playoffs)
1st Place - Emma Lazarus
2nd Place - NYC iSchool
3rd Place - Law & Tech
3rd Place - Lyons Community
Regular Season Standings
School Win Loss Draw Points GD*
Emma Lazarus 7 0 0 21 +21
NYC iSchool 6 1 0 18 +11
Law & Tech 5 2 0 15 +3
Lyons Community 4 3 0 12 +4
Pace 3 4 0 9 0
Brooklyn Latin 2 5 0 6 -2
WHSAT 0 6 1 0 -14
Orchard Collegiate 0 6 1 0 -18
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
4. Penalty kicks
In the event of a three-way tie, the following tiebreakers will be used:
1. Head-to-head results (points earned in the games among the three teams)
2. Goal differential (all three teams)
3. Goals allowed (all three teams)
Spring 2019
Final Standings (After Playoffs)
1st Place - NYC iSchool
2nd Place - Emma Lazarus
3rd Place - Brooklyn Latin
3rd Place - Pace
Regular Season Standings
School Win Loss Draw Points GD*
Emma Lazarus 6 1 0 18 +15
NYC iSchool 6 1 0 18 +13
Brooklyn Latin 5 2 0 15 +11
Pace 5 2 0 15 +4
Law & Tech 3 4 0 9 -2
WHSAT 2 5 0 6 -9
Orchard Collegiate 1 6 0 3 -12
Lyons Community 0 7 0 0 -20
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
4. Penalty kicks
In the event of a three-way tie, the following tiebreakers will be used:
1. Head-to-head results (points earned in the games among the three teams)
2. Goal differential (all three teams)
3. Goals allowed (all three teams)
Fall 2018
Final Standings (After Playoffs)
1st Place - Emma Lazarus
2nd Place - Brooklyn Latin
3rd Place - WHSAT
3rd Place - NYC iSchool
Regular Season Standings
School Win Loss Draw Points GD*
Emma Lazarus 6 0 0 18 +16
Brooklyn Latin 5 1 0 15 +6
WHSAT 4 2 0 12 +7
NYC iSchool 3 2 1 10 +3
Lyons Community 2 3 1 7 -4
Pace 1 5 0 3 -7
Orchard Collegiate 1 5 0 3 -9
Law & Tech 1 5 0 3 -14
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
4. Penalty kicks
In the event of a three-way tie, the following tiebreakers will be used:
1. Head-to-head results (points earned in the games among the three teams)
2. Goal differential (all three teams)
3. Goals allowed (all three teams)
Spring 2018
Final Standings (After Playoffs)
1st Place - WHSAT
2nd Place - Emma Lazarus
3rd Place - Brooklyn Latin
3rd Place - Law & Tech
Regular Season Standings
School Win Loss Draw Points GD*
Emma Lazarus 7 0 0 18 +16
Brooklyn Latin ` 4 2 1 13 +6
WHSAT 4 2 1 13 +3
Law & Tech 3 2 2 11 +5
Lyons Community 3 2 2 11 +3
Pace 3 3 0 9 -1
NYC iSchool 1 6 0 3 -16
Orchard Collegiate 0 7 0 0 -19
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
4. Penalty kicks
In the event of a three-way tie, the following tiebreakers will be used:
1. Head-to-head results (points earned in the games among the three teams)
2. Goal differential (all three teams)
3. Goals allowed (all three teams)
Fall 2017
Final Standings (After Playoffs)
1st Place - Emma Lazarus
2nd Place - NYC iSchool
3rd Place - Lyons Community
3rd Place - WHSAT
Regular Season Standings
School Win Loss Draw Points GD*
Emma Lazarus ` 7 0 0 21 +18
Lyons Community 5 1 1 16 +9
NYC iSchool 4 2 1 13 +9
WHSAT 4 3 0 12 +2
Law & Tech 2 3 2 8 0
Pace 2 4 1 7 -6
Brooklyn Latin 1 5 1 4 -10
Orchard Collegiate 0 7 0 0 -18
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
4. Penalty kicks
In the event of a three-way tie, the following tiebreakers will be used:
1. Head-to-head results (points earned in the games among the three teams)
2. Goal differential (all three teams)
3. Goals allowed (all three teams)
Final Standings (After Playoffs)
1st place - NYC iSchool
2nd place - Emma Lazarus
3rd place - Law & Tech
3rd place - BAGF
Regular Season Standings
School W L D Pts GD
NYC iSchool 6 0 1 19 +15
Emma Lazarus 6 1 0 18 +16
Law & Tech Green 4 2 1 13 +5
BK Academy of Global Finance 3 2 2 11 +3
La Scuola d'Italia 3 4 0 9 -2
Emma Lazarus II 3 4 0 9 -3
Orchard Collegiate Academy 1 6 0 0 -16
Law & Tech White 0 7 0 0 -20
- A team receives 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw, and 0 for a loss.
- The maximum goal differential (GD) for any game is +3 or -3.
- If two teams have the same point total at the end of the season, final placings will be determined by the following tiebreakers:
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
4. Penalty kicks
- In the event of a three-way tie, the following tiebreakers will be used:
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
Spring 2024
Final Standings (After Playoffs)
1st place - Brooklyn Latin
2nd place - Emma Lazarus
3rd place - NYC iSchool
3rd place - Law & Tech
Regular Season Standings
School W L D Pts GD
Emma Lazarus 5 0 1 16 +14
NYC iSchool 4 1 1 13 +8
Brooklyn Latin 4 2 0 12 +8
Law & Tech 3 3 0 9 +1
Lyons Community 2 4 0 6 -7
Pace 2 4 0 6 -7
Orchard Collegiate 0 6 0 0 -18
Emma II 0 0 0 0 0
- A team receives 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw, and 0 for a loss.
- The maximum goal differential (GD) for any game is +3 or -3.
Indoor Cup - Final Standings
1.) Brooklyn Latin
2.) Emma Lazarus
3.) NYC iSchool
5.) Lyons
6.) Law & Tech
7.) Pace
8.) Orchard
- If two teams have the same point total at the end of the season, final placings will be determined by the following tiebreakers:
2. Head-to-head result (indoor tournament)
3. Goal differential
4. Goals allowed
5. Penalty kicks
***In the event of a three-way tie, the following tiebreakers will be used:
1. Head-to-head results (league games)
2. Head-to-head results (indoor tournament)
3. Goal differential
4. Goals allowed
Fall 2023
Final Standings (After Playoffs)
1st place - Brooklyn Latin
2nd place - NYC iSchool
3rd place - Emma Lazarus
3rd place - WHSAT
Regular Season Standings
School W L D Pts GD
NYC iSchool 6 1 0 18 +12
Brooklyn Latin 6 1 0 18 +15
Emma Lazarus 5 2 0 15 +9
WHSAT 4 3 0 12 +6
Law & Tech 3 3 1 10 0
Pace 2 4 1 7 -1
Orchard Collegiate 1 6 0 3 -16
Lyons Community 0 7 0 0 -19
- *GD= Goal Differential
- The maximum goal differential for any game is 3.
- A team receives 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw, and 0 for a loss.
- If two teams have the same point total at the end of the season, final placings will be determined by the following tiebreakers:
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
4. Penalty kicks
***In the event of a three-way tie, the following tiebreakers will be used:
1. Head-to-head results
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
Spring 2023
Final Standings (After Playoffs)
1st place - Brooklyn Latin
2nd place - Emma Lazarus
3rd place - NYC iSchool
3rd place - Law & Tech
Regular Season Standings
School W L D Pts GD
Brooklyn Latin 6 0 1 19 +14
NYC iSchool 6 0 1 19 +11
Emma Lazarus 5 2 0 15 +13
Law & Tech 4 3 0 12 +5
WHSAT 2 5 0 6 -3
Lyons Community 2 5 0 6 -9
Pace 2 5 0 6 -10
Orchard Collegiate 0 7 0 0 -21
- *GD= Goal Differential
- The maximum goal differential for any game is 3.
- A team receives 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw, and 0 for a loss.
- If two teams have the same point total at the end of the season, final placings will be determined by the following tiebreakers:
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
4. Penalty kicks
***In the event of a three-way tie, the following tiebreakers will be used:
1. Head-to-head results
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
Fall 2022
Final Standings (After Playoffs)
1st place - Brooklyn Latin
2nd place - Emma Lazarus
3rd place - Law & Tech
3rd place - WHSAT
Regular Season Standings
School W L D Pts GD
Brooklyn Latin 6 1 0 18 +15
Emma Lazarus 5 1 1 16 +10
Law & Tech 4 2 1 13 +3
WHSAT 4 3 0 12 +4
NYC iSchool 4 3 0 12 +5
Lyons Community 3 4 0 9 -2
Pace 1 6 0 3 -13
Orchard Collegiate 0 7 0 0 -21
- *GD= Goal Differential
- The maximum goal differential for any game is 3.
- A team receives 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw, and 0 for a loss.
- If two teams have the same point total at the end of the season, final placings will be determined by the following tiebreakers:
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
4. Penalty kicks
***In the event of a three-way tie, the following tiebreakers will be used:
1. Head-to-head results
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
Spring 2022
Final Standings (After Playoffs)
1st place - NYC iSchool
2nd place - Emma Lazarus
3rd place - Brooklyn Latin
3rd place - Law & Tech
Regular Season Standings
School Win Loss Draw Points GD*
Brooklyn Latin 6 1 0 18 +16
Law & Tech 5 2 0 15 +7
NYC iSchool 5 2 0 15 +7
Emma Lazarus 4 2 1 13 +8
Lyons Community 3 3 1 10 -1
Pace 2 5 0 6 -9
WHSAT 2 5 0 6 -7
Orchard Collegiate 0 7 0 0 -21
Fall 2021
Final Standings (After Playoffs)
1st place - NYC iSchool
2nd place - WHSAT
3rd place - Brooklyn Latin
Regular Season Standings
School Win Loss Draw Points GD*
NYC iSchool 7 0 0 21 +17
WHSAT 5 2 0 15 +9
Brooklyn Latin 4 2 1 13 +6
Pace 4 3 0 12 +3
Emma Lazarus 2 3 2 8 +1
Lyons Community 2 4 1 6 -6
Law & Tech 2 5 0 6 -9
Orchard Collegiate 0 7 0 0 -21
- *GD= Goal Differential
- The maximum goal differential for any game is 3.
- A team receives 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw, and 0 for a loss.
- If two teams have the same point total at the end of the season, final placings will be determined by the following tiebreakers:
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
4. Penalty kicks
***In the event of a three-way tie, the following tiebreakers will be used:
1. Head-to-head results
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
SPRING 2020/Fall 2020/Spring 2021
Fall 2019
Final Standings (After Playoffs)
1st Place - Emma Lazarus
2nd Place - NYC iSchool
3rd Place - Law & Tech
3rd Place - Lyons Community
Regular Season Standings
School Win Loss Draw Points GD*
Emma Lazarus 7 0 0 21 +21
NYC iSchool 6 1 0 18 +11
Law & Tech 5 2 0 15 +3
Lyons Community 4 3 0 12 +4
Pace 3 4 0 9 0
Brooklyn Latin 2 5 0 6 -2
WHSAT 0 6 1 0 -14
Orchard Collegiate 0 6 1 0 -18
- *GD= Goal Differential
- The maximum goal differential for any game is 3.
- A team receives 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw, and 0 for a loss.
- If two teams have the same point total at the end of the season, final placings are determined by the following tiebreakers:
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
4. Penalty kicks
In the event of a three-way tie, the following tiebreakers will be used:
1. Head-to-head results (points earned in the games among the three teams)
2. Goal differential (all three teams)
3. Goals allowed (all three teams)
Spring 2019
Final Standings (After Playoffs)
1st Place - NYC iSchool
2nd Place - Emma Lazarus
3rd Place - Brooklyn Latin
3rd Place - Pace
Regular Season Standings
School Win Loss Draw Points GD*
Emma Lazarus 6 1 0 18 +15
NYC iSchool 6 1 0 18 +13
Brooklyn Latin 5 2 0 15 +11
Pace 5 2 0 15 +4
Law & Tech 3 4 0 9 -2
WHSAT 2 5 0 6 -9
Orchard Collegiate 1 6 0 3 -12
Lyons Community 0 7 0 0 -20
- *GD= Goal Differential
- The maximum goal differential for any game is 3.
- A team receives 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw, and 0 for a loss.
- If two teams have the same point total at the end of the season, final placings are determined by the following tie breakers:
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
4. Penalty kicks
In the event of a three-way tie, the following tiebreakers will be used:
1. Head-to-head results (points earned in the games among the three teams)
2. Goal differential (all three teams)
3. Goals allowed (all three teams)
Fall 2018
Final Standings (After Playoffs)
1st Place - Emma Lazarus
2nd Place - Brooklyn Latin
3rd Place - WHSAT
3rd Place - NYC iSchool
Regular Season Standings
School Win Loss Draw Points GD*
Emma Lazarus 6 0 0 18 +16
Brooklyn Latin 5 1 0 15 +6
WHSAT 4 2 0 12 +7
NYC iSchool 3 2 1 10 +3
Lyons Community 2 3 1 7 -4
Pace 1 5 0 3 -7
Orchard Collegiate 1 5 0 3 -9
Law & Tech 1 5 0 3 -14
- *GD= Goal Differential
- The maximum goal differential for any game is 3.
- A team receives 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw, and 0 for a loss.
- If two teams have the same point total at the end of the season, final placings are determined by the following tie breakers:
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
4. Penalty kicks
In the event of a three-way tie, the following tiebreakers will be used:
1. Head-to-head results (points earned in the games among the three teams)
2. Goal differential (all three teams)
3. Goals allowed (all three teams)
Spring 2018
Final Standings (After Playoffs)
1st Place - WHSAT
2nd Place - Emma Lazarus
3rd Place - Brooklyn Latin
3rd Place - Law & Tech
Regular Season Standings
School Win Loss Draw Points GD*
Emma Lazarus 7 0 0 18 +16
Brooklyn Latin ` 4 2 1 13 +6
WHSAT 4 2 1 13 +3
Law & Tech 3 2 2 11 +5
Lyons Community 3 2 2 11 +3
Pace 3 3 0 9 -1
NYC iSchool 1 6 0 3 -16
Orchard Collegiate 0 7 0 0 -19
- *GD= Goal Differential
- The maximum goal differential for any game is 3.
- A team receives 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw, and 0 for a loss.
- If two teams have the same point total at the end of the season, final placings will be determined by the following tie breakers:
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
4. Penalty kicks
In the event of a three-way tie, the following tiebreakers will be used:
1. Head-to-head results (points earned in the games among the three teams)
2. Goal differential (all three teams)
3. Goals allowed (all three teams)
Fall 2017
Final Standings (After Playoffs)
1st Place - Emma Lazarus
2nd Place - NYC iSchool
3rd Place - Lyons Community
3rd Place - WHSAT
Regular Season Standings
School Win Loss Draw Points GD*
Emma Lazarus ` 7 0 0 21 +18
Lyons Community 5 1 1 16 +9
NYC iSchool 4 2 1 13 +9
WHSAT 4 3 0 12 +2
Law & Tech 2 3 2 8 0
Pace 2 4 1 7 -6
Brooklyn Latin 1 5 1 4 -10
Orchard Collegiate 0 7 0 0 -18
- *GD= Goal Differential
- The maximum goal differential for any game is 3.
- A team receives 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw, and 0 for a loss.
- If two teams have the same point total at the end of the season, final placings will be determined by the following tie breakers:
2. Goal differential
3. Goals allowed
4. Penalty kicks
In the event of a three-way tie, the following tiebreakers will be used:
1. Head-to-head results (points earned in the games among the three teams)
2. Goal differential (all three teams)
3. Goals allowed (all three teams)